The first run of 100 Applesauce units is progressing well through the assembly stage (all units have already been spoken for). All of the preliminary assembly has been completed. Currently just waiting on the PCBs to arrive from China. The manufacturer is running a little behind schedule but says that I will have all of the boards next week.
Month: June 2018
Well, that was quick…
Wow, all 100 Applesauce units were spoken for within 16 hours! Thanks so much, everyone! There were also enough people that missed the initial 100 unit cutoff that I can guarantee that there will be a second run. I’ll be looking at doing that in August or September.
Preorders are open!
The first run of Applesauce units are a go! I have given the manufacturer the thumbs up to produce 100 units. Send an email to to get your name on the wait list.
Welcome! Please excuse all the dust.
I’m finally getting a website put together for the Applesauce project. It will be messy for a bit while I get the content all laid out.